Aaron Tua

Aaron Tua

Applied AI Engineer • Penultimate Design & AI student @ SUTD

Multi-disciplinary student bridging design, AI and software. I build products to solve real-world problems, with a focus on the cutting edge.

I've helped build Discord bots that scaled to 1 million servers, developed drones for competitions, and clinched awards in US hackathons.

Currently building LLM workflows for SMEs. Seeking internships for 2025!

Work Experience


SUTD Venture and Entrepreneurship Network (SEVEN)


SUTD's premier entrepreneurship club. We uplift the student entrepreneurship ecosystem through fireside chats and workshops.

SUTD Venture and Entrepreneurship Network (SEVEN) photo 1
SUTD Venture and Entrepreneurship Network (SEVEN) photo 2
SUTD Venture and Entrepreneurship Network (SEVEN) photo 3